Nine Fingers: Tucson Ripper

The story of Nine Fingers does not begin in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, it begins in the south side of Tucson, Arizona.

Rodrigo Diaz has gone insane. At night, he prowls the streets of the south side, ripping his innocent victims to shreds in back alleys.

During the day, he torturers and devours others he has abducted.

The police believe he is a serial killer. But, he is actually something far worse: Rodrigo Diaz is a werewolf.

Ward Rickman has come to Tucson to track down an old friend - track him down and kill him.

Because Ward knows something the police don't: It takes a werewolf to stop a werewolf.

Nine Fingers: Tucson Ripper

The lead in novella to Tony Bowman's terrifying new novel Nine Fingers.

Available soon for free download on Amazon, Goodreads, and

Sample first scene from Nine Fingers: Tucson Ripper

Loud noises bothered Rodrigo Diaz. He hadn’t always been so sensitive, but that had been before. Everything was different now.
    The high pitched screams cut through his brain like an ice pick through his eye. “For the love of God, will you shut up?”
    There was a whining noise from the corner of the room. Rodrigo didn’t look up, he was intent on slicing into the meat of the woman’s thigh without cutting into a vein. She could bleed out from such a wound, and the succulent taste of the meat would be ruined.
    “You’re a monster,” the other girl said, she of the high pitched scream.
    He laid the filleting knife down and looked at her.
    She met his gaze, but only for an instant. Her watery eyes stared at him through running mascara and ruined shadow.
    He smiled at her, his red eyes glowing in the darkened trailer kitchen, “Yes.”
    Rodrigo felt no emotion when he said it, no anger. He agreed with her.
    He turned his attention back to the naked girl nailed to the kitchen table.


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