It's 4:00 AM, Why Won't My Kid Sleep?

This morning at 4:00 AM, our daughter finally decided to go to bed. Now, many of you are probably saying, "What an awful parent! Make her go to bed." Heh, heh, yeah... Sara is autistic. There's a laundry list of symptoms that go along with the Big "A". I really wish we could have ordered them a la carte: "Hmmm, let's see. I'll have the OCD and phenomenal memory, please." Trust me, no one would ever say, "Oooh, I'll take the insomnia!" For the first five years of her life, Sara slept no more than three hours per night - and that was on a good night. Those three hours were rarely in a row, and they never began before about two in the morning. My wife took the brunt of this, I confess. I sleep like the dead. Literally. I die in my sleep about ten times per hour according to the sleep study. Laurie was up with her constantly. In Vegas, we had a Little Tykes swing with an attached sliding board in the house. The theory...