Hard at Work on 'Turning the Darkness' - Rest of the Year will be 'Horrorble'

Turning the Darkness, my new horror novel, is around 80% complete. I'm anticipating an early May release. The novel is post apocalyptic, dealing with the aftermath of a demon invasion of the earth, and the main characters' attempts to drive the demons back to hell.

Calling it 'my new horror novel' feels a little weird. I've been writing the story since 1995. For almost twenty years, I've been writing sections and then setting it aside for months - so it's about time I finished it.

The current writing schedule for 2014 looks like the following:

  1. Vales Hollow (Thriller) - Four mercenaries adjust to life in a small town.
    Released March, 2014
  2. Turning the Darkness (Horror) - Battling back a demonic horde.
    May, 2014
  3. Nine Fingers (Horror) - Werewolves and wine in central Virginia.
    July, 2014
  4. Dark on the Mountain (Horror) - Vampires and ghosts in Butcherknife, Virginia.
    September, 2014
  5. Coal Fire (Horror) - Witches in Harman, Virginia set in the 1960s.
    December, 2014

The stories are all fleshed out, all that's left is to simply write them - I mean, how long could that take? ;) In all honesty, most of the stories have been percolating in my head for a decade.

Sections of several are already written. My editor (aka my wife) has heard some of them. She refuses to listen to Coal Fire, because it scares her too bad... that's a good sign.

I'll also be releasing a collection of my short stories over the next few days.


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