For Love of the Intangible

I think about horror novels as I drive to work in the morning. Not other people's books - my books. Books I haven't written yet. This is something I've done most of my life, although I really didn't sit down and start writing them out until about three years ago. I'm an engineer by trade, and before that, I was a student. I was convinced my future would lie in science and engineering. If you had told me a few decades ago I would be up to five novels with about thirty-seven more planned out at the age of fifty-two, I would have laughed at the notion. Engineers like tangible things and known quantities. Cell phones, slot machines, cruise missiles - those are all tangible things. They have weight and inherent value. Books, especially e-books, are intangible. They aren't known quantities. They aren't objective, they're subjective. Some people are going to like them, some people are going to hate them. What is the inherent value of a book? It depe...