Oh, Good Grief...

This week, we've been witness to one of the strangest, most surrealistic Internet broohaha's to date: rabid fans attacking Avengers: Age of Ultron, and, in particular, director Joss Whedon, for the on-screen romance between comic book characters Black Widow and the Hulk. When I first heard there was a war going on over this, I thought it was a joke - oh, I was so wrong. Joss Whedon has now officially left Twitter, presumably because of the neo-quasi-sortof-feminist venom being spit in his direction because - horror of horrors - a strong female character was shown to have *gasp* a love interest. And, I mean, I completely see their point: it's ridiculous to give comic book heroes and heroines the capacity to care for one another. Right? Good grief. At the heart of their argument appears to be the idea that Black Widow doesn't need a man in her life. What exactly is wrong with a highly skilled assassin (who regularly rides motorcycles out of airplanes and perf...